All the surgical procedures are done after consultation, blood test and other exams if needed , to be sure that
- FACELIFT is the most common procedure of the face, it is frequently associated to a blepharoplasty of the upper lid or to Fat grafting to give fullness and youth to the face.
- CHIN LIPOSUCCION gives nice results to define the contours of the face, it can be done alone or during a facelift.
- BLEPHAROPLASTY removes the extra skin and fat from upper and lower lid, it is done under local anaesthesia with minimum down time, the scar is hidden in the natural fold of the lid.
- RHINOPLASTY treats nose deformities from deviation to hump or nostrils, usually done under general anaesthesia, the scar is hidden in the lower part of the columella and a splint is worn for 8 days.
- OTOPLASTY is done under local anaesthesia, the scar is hidden behind the ear, a headband is worn for 10 days .
Before/after Face and neck lifting
Before/after Double chin liposuccion and nanofat injection
Before/after Upper and lower blepharoplasty
Before/after Face threads and blepharoplasty
Before/after Liplift and full face lipofilling
- BREAST AUGMENTATION is the most frequently done procedure, a silicone implant is introduced through the areola or the inframammary fold, and a special bra with stabilizer is worn for one month. This procedure can be done with fat grafting on the upper pole or the inner part of the breast. Sometimes we only use fat grafting when the skin is tight enough .
- BREAST LIFTING or MASTOPEXY treats the ptotic breast, the extra skin is removed and depending on the case the scar is periareolar, circumvertical or an inverted T. We can as needed add a breast implant .
- BREAST REDUCTION is indicated when the breast is heavy with back pain and uncomfortness, the mammary gland and the skin are reduced. the scar is usually an inverted T.
Before/after Breast implant
Before/after Breast implant
Before/after Mastopexy with treatment of umbilical nipple in the same time
Before/after Mastopexy with 260cc silicone implant
Before/after Breast reduction
- LIPOCUCCION is the most frequent body procedure, this technique allows in the same time fat removal and reinjection in the same time giving a better fat distribution in the body for a more harmonious silhouette. It can be done under local or general anaesthesia. Postoperatively, a compressive garment is worn for one month. It can be realised anywhere, arms , abdomen , thighs etc…
- ABDOMINOPLASTY is done to remove the extra skin and to tighten the muscle for a flat perfect figure.. The main problem of this procedure is the length of the residual scar, local and compressive treatments are given early as prevention of hypertrophic scar. Usually early ambulation and anticoagulant treatment are prescribed to avoid any blood clots. It can be done with breast augmentation or mastopexy for a Mummy Makeover result.
- ARMLIFT , THIGHLIFT are proposed for tightening, but the problem is the scar, even though it is hidden in the inner part, usually it is long with tendency to become hypertrophic. Early local treatment is prescribed, with sometimes LASER sessions to have a soft uneven scar .
- BUTTOCKS AUGMENTATION with implant or fat grafting or both can be proposed depending on the initial shape of the buttocks and on the quantity of fat available for a liposuccion and a reinjection. This procedure needs to be done by very experimented hands to avoid any vascular complication.
- VAGINAL REJUVENATION and LABIAPLASTY are very common now, they give self confidence and comfort. The procedure can be done under local or general anaesthesia, local treatment is needed for 3 weeks.
Before/after Mommy Makeover, mastopexy and abdominoplasty in the same time
Before/after Liposuccion abdomen, hips and external thighs
Before/after Brachioplasty
Before /after Buttocks augmentation or BBL with back, hips and external thighs liposuction